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Hello! welcome to PSPStation-R-Us.. I am Becky, owner of this wonderful site and editors site! I would like to take a moment and talk about two special people that I hold dear.

because I am switching the lay out of this web site please be aware that Dede, and Wendy's innerfaces will be put on hold until further notice.. check back soon for the update! thanks

So, now that I've gotten them out of the way, navigating through here is pretty simple. You just click on the link you want and it will send you there :).
Please remember that this site is never completed. LOL She is my baby and I am pretty much changing it whenever I feel like it, or when Dede brings something to my attention, then off I go
changing the whole thing again. LMAO So please check in from time to time, you might find something interesting or better yet you might find that you are the group that won the
"List of the Month" or know the person that just so happens to be our "special person" for 30 days. :)
We have two forums, one for each group. My idea with this is to give members a place to talk to other members and get to know
one another with out having to use our email for things other than what the group is about.
Please if you have ideas for the site shoot me a email I am more then happy to read it!
If you like what you see here please feel free to join, we would love to have you!